Celebrating International Women's Day with Sandals Foundation

Sunday 8th March marks the global celebration of International Women’s Day, an occasion we hold very close to our hearts. Our non-profit charity organisation, Sandals Foundation, has dedicated three decades to address the chronic issue of gender inequality in the Caribbean. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is equality – a running theme through a lot of our current charity projects.

Together, we continue to support women in the agricultural business, provide guidance for young mothers, run safe spaces for women facing violence, and more. We have seen that when we invest in one person, we are empowering an entire network of people.

The Women Helping Others Achieve programme (WHOA) is vital work carried out by the Sandals Foundation, in order to help carve a better future for women in the Caribbean. Scroll to read the different ways we are supporting those in need.

P.A.C.E. (Providing Access to Continued Education), Bahamas Through PACE (Providing Access to Continued Education) teen mothers have an opportunity to complete high school as well as to learn a skill. They are mentored and guided in an effort to reduce incidences of repeat unwanted pregnancy. Through this kind of support and opportunities these young ladies are able to better provide for their own future and that of their families. Sandals Foundation has provided funding for the completion of the PACE multi-purpose Centre. The building will be dedicated to the provision of counselling, medical treatment, and delivery of high school curriculum to pregnant teenage girls who have been suspended from school due to pregnancy.

Grenrop Agricultural Programme, GrenadaThis project supports women producers in agriculture to expand their business and to become competitive participants in the value chain. Women are often the backbone of the development of rural and national economies and comprise 43% of the world’s agricultural labour force. In many rural communities, a significant amount of women derive their livelihoods from subsistence farming, oftentimes with no financial compensation. Grencrop provides women with assistance so they are able to identify income-earning opportunities in agriculture and attain self-sufficiency.

Sweet Water Foundation, GrenadaRISE is a counselling and socio-educational programme for abused girls. Through Sweet Water Foundation, women are allowed a safe space, one-on-one help, and group psychotherapy treatment. One of the most important successes of the RISE programme is that girls now understand their right to live a life free from violence and they now have clear, accessible routes to justice, if needed in the future. Sex education, prevention, and healing of sexual abuse make up half of the programme.

Women’s Health Network, JamaicaThe Sandals Foundation has provided several medical tools to the Women’s Health Network to increase the capacity of medical professional to deliver essential treatment to vulnerable women. Through multiple rural clinics these machines helped to serve over 1,000 women across the island of Jamaica.

The Women’s Centre, JamaicaThe Sandals Foundation have donated 20 computers to assist in the Caribbean Secondary Education programme to benefit pregnant teen mothers from rural centres. The completion of CSES exams ensure that women can secure employment.

If you would like to donate to these great causes and the Sandals Foundation, please click here. We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating International Women’s Day.

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